This section documents the various types of turbulent transport modeling available in TEXSTAN.

Turbulence modeling for momentum and heat transfer uses mean field closure by formation of an eddy viscosity model. There are three levels of mean field closure for momentum within TEXSTAN, including the Prandtl mixing length model, the one-equation model using the turbulence kinetic energy (k) variable, and the low-turbulence Reynolds number two-equation model using the k-ε variables. The turbulent heat flux is modeled with a turbulent Prandtl number concept. The effects of surface roughness and axial surface curvature are modeled using modifications to the Prandtl mixing length. Laminar to turbulent transition is modeled using either using modifications to the Prandtl mixing length or modifications to the Lam-Bremhorst two-equation transport model.

Note that higher level turbulence closure models such as algebraic and full Reynolds stress models and turbulent heat flux transport models have been successfully implemented and are described in the home: research TEXSTAN section of this website.

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